Electrokind L Liquid Lemon - FlipkartGrocery
₹ 40.00 ₹ 42.00

10 in stock

Electrokind- L is WHO grounded ORS( Oral Rehydration swab) formula. Oral redyration swab is a combination of Dextrose and a number of essential electrolytes( Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Citrate). Electrokind- L restores body fluids & electrolytes, lost due to dehumidification in during Diarrhea, puking, muscle cramping, and exertional heat illness, while exercising in hot or sticky rainfall. part of crucial constituents Sodium Chloride( NaCl) Sodium Chloride are vital in human body to make fluid balance. Sodium chloride is employed by body cells for its normal function. Potassium Chloride( KCl) Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte that functions in the conservation of water balance and distribution, acid- base balance, muscle and whim-whams cell function, heart function, order and adrenal function. Dextrose Anhydrous Dextrose anhydrous is the purest form of dextrose, generally called glucose. Dextrose anhydrous provides instant energy. It's the primary component in oral rehydration mariners( ORS). Trisodium Citrate dihydrate Trisodium citrate dihydrate is a tribasic swab of citric acid. It's produced by the complete neutralization of citric acid with high chastity sodium source and posterior crystallization. Use under medical supervision

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