Makhana Dry Fruit - FlipkartGrocery
₹ 1,200.00 ₹ 1,500.00

10 in stock

Makhana, also known as Foxnuts or lotus seeds, are a healthy, nutrient and antioxidants packed alternative to chips and popcorn. They are roasted and sprinkled with flavour, which makes them a delicious and healthy snack that is fit for consumption for all age groups. They pair well with tea and can be relished as an on-the-go snack too.

1 review for Makhana Dry Fruit

Aliquam fringilla euismod risus ac bibendum. Sed sit amet sem varius ante feugiat lacinia. Nunc ipsum nulla, vulputate ut venenatis vitae, malesuada ut mi. Quisque iaculis, dui congue placerat pretium, augue erat accumsan lacus

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